Justified Social Gallery

Justified Social Gallery | A powerful and responsive photo gallery that helps you display Social gallery like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or Youtube.

Grabs all your albums and images from your Wordpress gallery or from an online source like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or Google Plus and display them on your site. It allows you to browse albums and galleries, or display just one Gallery at a time. Take a photo with your iPhone, post to Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or YouTube and it is automatically added to your site as well.

Now people have an easy way to update and maintain their photos via, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, etc and their old photo galleries on their website quickly become outdated. This plugin takes your albums and photos from your online gallery and streams them directly to your website or individual blog/news posts.

  • Display your albums and images from an online source like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or YouTube to your site’s gallery.
  • Create unlimited albums. It will generate the shortcodes automatically which you can copy/paste into your post or page.
  • Easy to use
  • Flexible Configuration

Installation via WP plugin installer

  • Extract the plugin package on your machine that you downloaded from CodeCanyon.
  • Go to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New.
  • In the new page click on the "Upload".
  • Choose the "justified-social-gallery.zip" file that you extracted from the downloaded package and click "Install Now".
  • The plugin is now installed, click on the "Activate Plugin" button.

Installation via FTP

  • Extract the plugin package on your machine that you downloaded from CodeCanyon.
  • Find the "justified-social-gallery.zip" file in the extracted content and extract it also.
  • Open your favourite FTP application and connect and navigate to your "/wp-content/plugins/" folder
  • Copy over the folder extracted "justified-social-gallery" from "justified-social-gallery.zip" file.
  • Navigate to your plugins page on your WordPress admin area and click the "Activate".


  1. Go to Administrator > Justified Social Gallery
  2. Click "Add New" button to add a new album
  3. Enter album name
  4. Data Type: Select Facebook
  5. User ID: Your Fanpage Facebook ID.
    Facebook ID is the string of letters represents your account. Example: https://www.facebook.com/naturephotobook Facebook ID is: naturephotobook.
  6. Access Token: Enter your own Access token. You should create your own app and put app Access Token. Refer in the FAQs section.
  7. Album type: You can choose album type is All albums or Exclude or Include or Single or Merged into a single album.
  8. Try out different options to suit your need.


  1. Go to Administrator > Justified Social Gallery
  2. Click "Add New" button to add a new album
  3. Enter album name
  4. Data Type: Select Instagram
  5. User ID: Your Instagram ID.
    Instagram ID is the number represents your account. If you don’t know how to get it, please follow these steps in the FAQs section.
  6. Access Token: Enter your own Access token. Please follow these steps in the FAQs section.
  7. Try out different options to suit your need.


  1. Go to Administrator > Justified Social Gallery
  2. Click "Add New" button to add a new album
  3. Enter album name
  4. Data Type: Select Flickr
  5. User ID: Your Flickr ID.
    Flickr ID is the number represents your account. If you don’t know how to get it, please follow these steps in the FAQs section.
  6. API Key: Enter your own API Key. Please follow these steps in the FAQs section.
  7. Album type: You can choose album type is All albums or Exclude or Include or Single or Merged into a single album.
  8. Try out different options to suit your need.


  1. Go to Administrator > Justified Social Gallery
  2. Click "Add New" button to add a new album
  3. Enter album name
  4. Data Type: Select Youtue
  5. API Key: Enter your own API Key. Please follow these steps in the FAQs section.
  6. Video type: Get video gallery from Playlist or Channel.
  7. Playlist ID: Fill the Playlist ID.
  8. Channel ID: Fill the Channel ID.
  9. Try out different options to suit your need.

  1. Facebook

    - Facebook ID is the string of letters represents your account.
    Example: https://www.facebook.com/naturephotobook Facebook ID is: naturephotobook

    - How to get Facebook Album ID: To get Album ID click here: https://developers.facebook.co... Then change the 'dawnthemes' by your Facebook fan page ID and you'll get all your album id.

    Facebook Album ID

    To get the Single Album ID, go to your Fanpage > Photos > Album , click on the album that you want to get ID then copy the Album ID form the address after the param album_id= Facebook Album ID

    * How to get Facebook Access Token and Generating Never Expiring Facebook Page Access Token.

  2. Instagram

    - Instagram ID is the number represents your account. If you don’t know how to get it, please follow these steps:

    * Go to https://outofthesandbox.com/pages/instagram-access-token
    * Click Generate Access Token


    * Login your account.
    * Get your user ID and access_tokken as image below.


  3. Flickr
    How to get your Flickr ID and find Album ID

    - Flickr ID is the ID represents your account. It has the format: xxxxx@N0x. If you don’t know how to get it, please follow these steps:
    * Sign in your account Flickr here: http://www.flickr.com/
    * Your Flickr ID is the string presents in the URL of your profile.
    EX: https://www.flickr.com/photos/24662369@N07

    OR Use the URL of your photostream to find the Flickr ID number here:
    idGettr — Find your Flickr ID - WebpageFX

    - To get Album ID, you sign in your Flickr account then click Sets button and click album that you want to get ID then copy Album Id from address url. EX: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24662369@N07/sets/72157644221437096

  4. Youtube
    Get API Key for YouTube

    With the new rules and API version 3 changes YouTube is requiring all users that want to view videos outside of YouTubes website to register and create a Project to access the API. The good news is this process is fairly simple.

    In order for you to get the YouTube feed working you need an API Key. Here is the process to obtain that.

    1. Go to https://developers.google.com/ and log in or create an account, if necessary.
    2. After logging in go to this link https://console.developers.google.com/project and click on the blue CREATE PROJECT button as depicted in the photo below. Wait a moment as google prepares your project.
    3. ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES. In the top left corner and click Navigation Menu > APIs & Services > Dashboard. Select ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES
    4. Then click the link option called “YouTube Data API.” It’s under YouTube API’s.
    5. Now click on the “ENABLE” button.
    6. Click on the MANAGER button, next click on the ‘Credentials’ menu to the right.
    7. Next click on the + CREATE CREDENTIAL button.
    8. Choose the select option YouTube Data API v3 for the first select option and Web server(e.g. node js. Tomcat) for the second selection. Then choose Public data. Now click the blue button, “What credentials do I need?.”
    9. Almost done, wait for google to create your new project and you should see the screen below where you can copy your API Key.

  • Facebook personal profile pages are never visible to the public, so you can’t use Facebook personal profiles but Facebook Fan pages.
  • Note that if your site has high traffic, Flickr is probably not right for you, as Flickr will limit the amount of requests.

You can have a cuppa tea when setup Justified Social Gallery, merely put that in anywhere to your site and magic happens!...:)

If you have any assistance, please feel free create a topic on our support forums: Support Fourms. Our support team will respond to you as fast we can.

The DawnThemes!